Do you remember when we used to use phones more than email or instant messaging?

When I needed to communicate a quick detailed message I often would leave a voicemail because my colleague or friend could hear my tone and emphasis of my message. Now, most people do not use voicemail and some seem to be bothered by using a phone at all.

Here is a communication method I’ve been experimenting with that can help save you time and can even help improve the quality of your virtual team communications. This method is not for multiple team members, but rather a personalized communication with one person.

First, a bit about our learner preferences: visual, audible and kinesthetic. Sixty-five percent of adults are visual learners, thirty percent are audible and only five percent are kinesthetic. Most communications are written. But what about retention of data?

When you have to communicate steps, processes or more intricate information, written communications should include images or another graphic representation. I’ve found that the best communications use two or more learning modes to help effectively receive and retain information.

So, what does this have to do with creating an individualized message?

Our modern working environments have become more virtual and require us to use technology to help us communicate. Examples of these tools include Zoom video conferencing, Slack messaging, and Google Suite. We have all sorts of tools, but what happens when you need to follow-up on a private discussion thread and a short instant message, email or written communication won’t really work?

My rule of thumb is that if I find myself outlining an email or message that would be more easily communicated visually, but is very short, I will use a video message with a screen share. I can talk, point and demonstrate rather than just tell what I’m trying to communicate.

I’ve even tried this with some of my online learners taking my courses when they have had specific technical questions. I’ve found that they are more likely to understand my instructions when I show and tell them using a recorded video screen share message.

My rule of thumb is that the message should not be more than five minutes long and is focused on one main topic or is answering a specific question.

Don’t use video share screen messaging when you need to discuss sensitive or complicated topics, if the content is subject to misinterpretation. It is best to have a face-to-face conversation in this case.

However, when you are already in agreement about a project or task and need to help communicate details, a video screen-share message is perfect.

This works great with helping a new employee or team member understand your unique systems or steps in a repeatable process.

So the next time you find yourself typing out a long email and wish you could just have a five minute call to communicate something with a colleague, try using a video screen share recording instead. Some quick tips:

  • Open up all the screens or apps that you will need to use before starting the screen share.
  • Stay focused on one main topic and then walk through the logic, steps or process you want to share.
  • Record in less than five minutes and watch the replay to make sure you did not miss a step and send.

I use a wonderful tool called Berrycast to send screen share messages. Berrycast’s free model has less limitations than Loom’s,it allows you to record on your smartphone, and the receiver can reply back with a video message as well.

I recommend Berrycast to my subscribers. When you are ready to subscribe, you will receive a 20% discount using my coupon code WVSDISCOUNT.

Go try out your first Berrycast message and let me know what you think.

Send me your first video message and tell me how you plan to use this technology to help your productivity and communications.

What other tools do you use to communicate in our increasingly digital workspace?

About the Author Paul Wright

Paul Wright is the founder of WVS Courses and Coaching, and is passionate about helping entrepreneurs launch and grow new enterprises. He especially enjoys working with social innovators who create a greater good in the world with their businesses.

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