Are you constantly checking your email, social media, or messages on your phone?It can take

5 Hacks to Stay Focused

Have you ever received a marketing message that seemed like they know exactly what your

What’s Targeted Messaging?

All too often I hear people say “I need a vacation from my vacation.” This

3 ways to ensure that you have a restful vacation

Recently in a FastTrac training cohort, we were exploring how process optimization and workflow systems

How to Create Workflow Systems

If you’ve taken one of our courses or have read our newsletters before, you are

The impact investing movement continues

How can you ensure that your customers are getting consistent value from your product or

Value processes to set you apart

When we look at the Business Model Canvas for a social enterprise or Common Good

Why Good Partners Matter

Think of a time when you had a significant change in your life. What was

How to embrace change

Last year, I wrote an article series “What’s Your Superpower and how to use it

Lessons from a Common Good Superhero

Have you reached your limit and feel burned out? This is your sign to address

Your wellbeing impacts your well-doing