Last month, we described what an ecosystem is and how they can help build the

Building an effective ESHIP Ecosystem (Part Two)

Over the past twenty five years, economic developers have begun applying a complex systems approach

ESHIP Ecosystems (Part One)

Social change and innovation don’t happen overnight. You also can’t do it alone. If you

Resources for Social Enterprises

When we look at the Business Model Canvas for a social enterprise or Common Good

Why Good Partners Matter

Last week I was proud to be in-person to see our first Cohort of learners

Hope starts at home

You’ve worked tirelessly to create a new product or service (or social impact program) to

How to run a successful virtual live-streamed product launch

You can be creative. Don’t let the myths of creativity hold you back. You don’t

What Ted Lasso taught me about creativity

In 2011, I took an executive job in rural Appalachia Kentucky, an area of the

Lessons learned in a Startup Community

Last month I participated in 3 virtual summits and staffed 2 virtual marketplace “booths.” It

3 Tips for networking at virtual summits