Over the past twenty five years, economic developers have begun applying a complex systems approach

ESHIP Ecosystems (Part One)

How can you ensure that your customers are getting consistent value from your product or

Value processes to set you apart

When I was in business school, we were required to write a full business plan,

What’s unique about a Social Enterprise Marketing Plan?

All too often capital request proposals never make it past the underwriting stage. Why is

What capital underwriters want to know

So you’ve got an amazing idea to solve a problem with a new product or

Don’t Skip Customer Discovery

You’ve worked tirelessly to create a new product or service (or social impact program) to

How to run a successful virtual live-streamed product launch

When I was 5 years old, my cousin and I “ran away from home” so

What’s in a Personal Vision

There is not a definitive standard definition of a social enterprise. However, below are some

What is a Social Enterprise: Definitions and Distinctions

The number one question I get is “where do I find the money to start,

Where is the Money to Grow My Social Enterprise?

It’s hard enough to create and deliver value into the marketplace. But it’s extraordinarily difficult

Top Five Questions to Ask When Starting a Social Enterprise